Lamb of God Gift of Faith

Lamb of God, how Great is our Jesus. I would like to share as a Christian how Jesus has been blessing me all these years with Love, Joy, Peace and lately the Gift of Faith. At times, things just happens like miracle. I just can't help but sing praises to His name and Worship Him. May our Lord Jesus bless you abundantly and exceedingly in every aspects of your life. Let all of us Praise the Lord.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Lamb of God - That Cabin Where People Talked In The Middle Of The Night!

Onboard my ship, I had a colleague named Ding, he was not tall, kind of below average.

When he first came onboard, there were 'bullies' tried to take advantage of him physically.
In no time, they realized they made a BIG mistake.

Ding's movement was so quick, it was lightning fast and he twisted their arms, hands and legs like folding transformer toys, and we came to know that he was a Judo expert and not an ordinary Judo expert, but a national representative. That meanss he was representing our country for Judo competition at the international level.

From that moment onwards, nobody dared to touch him, but we enjoyed watching him doing all those fanciful movements.

He was living the same cabin as me.

Hey, sorry, I have left the Navy for years and I have totally forgotten all the naval terms. So I might be using the wrong terms.

Later he shifted to the cabin which was next to the exit to the main deck. He found that it was more convenient to report for duty. Shorter distance.

One morning, we saw he shifting back to our cabin and we asked him why.

He said one night after his midnight watch, after handed over his duty, he came down to his cabin.
Just before he stepped into the cabin, he heard someone talking, talking in a language he did not understand. The moment he stepped into the cabin, the conversation ceased.

He was mad.

"Why you guys stopped talking when I came in?"

He turned and walked out and te conversation started again.

Ding was real angry, he turned and rushed into the cabin and wanted to throw someone on the floor, conversation stopped. He reached out and turned on the light. He found NO ONE in the cabin!!!!!!

He was scared to death though he was a National Judo expert.
He slept in the other cabin and shifted back to our cabin the next morning.

To get a man liked him to be so frighten, it was no ordinary matter.

Another colleague who was sleeping next to the exit to this 'haunted' cabin confirmed that he used to heard someone talking in the middle of the night in that cabin too, but he kept it to himself.

During one sea exercise I was involved. It stretched for a couple of days. One day, I was so tired after coming down from duty, I just went into the cabin, saw a unoccupied 'bed' (I think we called it 'bunk') and I threw myself on to it. And I had been sleeping in that cabin through out the exercise.

After the exercise, then I realized I was sleeping in that 'haunted' cabin.

Praise Jesus, the Lamb of God, for His protection. I did not hear or encounter any strange happening.

The Lord is good, all the time.

In fact, it was during my navy days, I came to know the Lord again.............

Lamb of God Gift of Faith


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