Lamb of God Gift of Faith

Lamb of God, how Great is our Jesus. I would like to share as a Christian how Jesus has been blessing me all these years with Love, Joy, Peace and lately the Gift of Faith. At times, things just happens like miracle. I just can't help but sing praises to His name and Worship Him. May our Lord Jesus bless you abundantly and exceedingly in every aspects of your life. Let all of us Praise the Lord.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Lamb of God - I Was Paralysed!

Two days back in the afternoon, I received a call from the bank saying that the cheque I issued was rejected as I had no enough fund in my account.

I was feeling worried and in fact was pretty disturbed.
I left my job end September last year working from home on the internet, but the income was not much as the first year was more on learning the ropes.

I was feeling the stress to the extent I lost my temper to my poor dogs.

When I woke up yesterday morning, my heart was beating so fast, I felt paralysed, I was at the edge of burning out.

I recalled at end 2003, I embarked on a business venture while I was still holding a day job. After 6 months of hard work, I was burnt out, I broke down before my friends at one meeting.

And now the exact feeling is overwhelming me.
I have been working hard yet see no result, I am going to burn out again soon. Real soon.

I knew the Lord, the Lamb of God would deliver me as He called me into this venture. And times after times, He proved to me that He was always that to comfort me, to pick me up with His hands of mercy. Through all these difficult times, I build the Faith in Him.

So, I reject this feeling in the name of Jesus. I got up and went for my usual quiet time.
I read the Bible, a daily motivation by Dr. Robert Schuller and the "My Daily Bread"

The message for yesterday "My Daily Bread" reading was

Psalm 93.
"The floods have lifted up their voice.
The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, than the mighty waves of the sea."

Truly the Lord reigns, my spirit was lifted up.
I was feeling much better.

I decided to put all work aside for a day and just seek the Lord.
In the afternoon, happened that I logged on to my PC, I discovered there was some commission coming in. In the evening, when I shared this with Kate, the Lord dawned upon us there were resources that we could call upon. Praise the Lord.

I had a sound sleep.

This morning, when I read the "Daily Bread", the reading was
Psalm 30:5
"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning."

Truly, the Lord is Faithful.

Next came the most amazing discovery.
I discovered, for the past 2 weeks or so, I have been reading the WRONG messages. I have been reading the November messages instead of October.

And these two days message just fit into my circumstances and they comforted me.

The Lord knew beforehand that on this day I would be feeling down and miserable, and He used the 'wrong day message' to lift me up. How a loving and powerful God we have.

Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.

Lamb of God Gift of Faith


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