Lamb of God Gift of Faith

Lamb of God, how Great is our Jesus. I would like to share as a Christian how Jesus has been blessing me all these years with Love, Joy, Peace and lately the Gift of Faith. At times, things just happens like miracle. I just can't help but sing praises to His name and Worship Him. May our Lord Jesus bless you abundantly and exceedingly in every aspects of your life. Let all of us Praise the Lord.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Lamb of God - What Is Faith!

Someone asked me why my blog is Lamb of God Gift of Faith, yeah, Lamb of God is understandable, but why and what is Gift of Faith, I shall share about what is this Gift of Faith in my future posting.

So, what is Faith?

Lord, I believe
in the sun, even when it is behind the clouds,
in the seed, even when it lies unsprouted under the ground;
in faith, even when I have been betrayed;
in love, even when I have been rejected;
in hope, even when I have been hurt;
in God, even when you do not answer my prayers.
.......Dr. Robert Schuller


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